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See below for coding projects developed by the community that utilize HydroDL

Differentiable Modeling Framework

  • š¯›æMG (Lonzarich et al. 2024) --- A second-generation generic, scalable differentiable modeling framework on PyTorch for integrating neural networks with physical models. Coupled with HydroDL2, š¯›æMG enables hydrologic modeling like HydroDL while greatly expanding the range of applications and capabilities.

Differentiable Models

LSTM Models

  • Starting point: Quick LSTM tutorial on soil moisture prediction

    This notebook is the starting point for new people to learn hydrologic time series prediction using deep neural networks. You can see how CudnnLSTMmodel and CpuLSTM models are trained and how data are formatted. Dataset is embedded in the hydroDL library so it is easy to run the example.

  • Updated, simplified LSTM tutorial for CAMELS streamflow

    This notebook is the "high-flow expert" listed on the benchmark page. We greatly simplified the LSTM interface, making it easy to reuse this code on your data. This is slightly more involved than the soil moisture tutorial as we are dealing with a larger and more complex dataset. Thanks to Yalan Song, Kamlesh Sawadekar and Dapeng Feng. Note that different pytorch versions could lead to slightly different performances.

  • Multiscale (Liu et al. 2022)

    A multiscale DL scheme A multiscale DL scheme learning simultaneously from satellite and in situ data to predict 9 km daily soil moisture (5 cm depth).

Transformer Models

  • Transformer (Liu et al. 2024)

    Transformer_model First time Transformer achieved the same performance as LSTM on CAMELS dataset; LSTMs and Transformers are likely nearing the prediction limits of the dataset.